Thursday, January 13, 2011

This Voice Will Be Heard

Originally Posted July 18th, 2007

Its the feeling of a song, newly written, played in your head, its the feeling of a walk and a poem forever embedded in you memory. Its the feeling of new book that teaches you more then you new it could, its the feeling of a reacquainting with God. But a little more then that.

This week has been filled with more feeling then what is worth being wrote down. It was a journey to learn what I really wanted to learn. But in the end, it was a struggle worth getting through.
I spent an Monday evening tossing so many feelings around in my sorry little head, that by the time the night was through I had nothing else to do but make up my mind.
I embraced forgiveness, like the song.
It is the greatest gift I ever found.
I left behind things I thought would never be gone. Feelings that a child once had. Things only a child would deal with. I embraced also a slight maturity. In maybe more the way I set my ideas, the way I plan my life, the way I life my life.
In that I felt I no longer held on to the world, that I had taken my left foot out of the world and placed in once again firmly in Gods palm. I was once again in the security of His hands. And rather life Scarlett O'Hara I was no longer infatuated with the dances and the balls and the romance of the evening. I was pulled into the reality of the war, of the fight that went on inside me. What I have to do, what my job is. That I am to be in the world not of it.
I am to be a wallflower, to listen and not be heard as someone of the world. But my voice is to be heard like no other. I am to stand out in a way that makes people turn heads. But because I carry something with me, I have something that no one else has. Something that only Jesus can supply.
Then no longer do I feel like a lazy homeboy that does nothing with his faith. I don't want to be silent any longer. I want this voice to be heard. I want all to know. That there is hope in this despicable world.
That God is their hope.
That faith is stronger then fear.
That there is only one way.
That this voice can be heard.


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