Thursday, January 13, 2011

Like A Lover

Originally Posted July 26th, 2007

The Song of Songs goes on and on about the Beloved and the Lover. They talk of their love for each other and how beautiful it sounds. There was a very good reason it was put in the bible.

It shows the relationship we should have with God.
He is our lover.
He wants to make everything good for us.
He wants to see us happy and with Him.
All I had to do was read Gone with the Wind to understand a little bit more how deep Gods love goes. I cried because I didn't realise it before. The beauty it holds.
Gods love is huge. Gods love is GREAT. No one can understand until they experience it themselves.
I was running lost in the fog, I was searching for the one thing I needed. I always new some how that it was Him. But not until I saw that I was His beloved I will run into His arms like a lover. Because I love Him.
But unlike Gone with the Wind. Gods love endures forever.
I can run into His arms like a helpless child and release my burdens on Him. Because He loves me!
Because He loves me!
and the best of it all is I love Him right back. I love Him as a lover. I could not explain the feelings that run from me now. I cry, I laugh, I want to dance, I want to sing! I really want to sleep...
All because I am experiencing REAL love for the first time. What it feels to be loved so greatly by God. Its overwhelming. You are open to His mind. You see His thoughts more clearly.
I have a better picture of what I am to do then I have ever had.
I am to receive the Holy Spirit. Then I am to become a worker to bring in the harvest. To do the work God has laid before me. Because He loves me!
This is a love that cannot be broken. It is between God and I. Between us. Because we love each other as crazy and whacked out it sounds. But forget for a moment what the world says about cooks like me. Forget all that you see about love in the world today.
Forget it all.
And immerse yourself with the only TRUE love you can find out there today.
That is Gods.
Because He loves you.
Because He loves you!
and all you have to do...
is run into His arms like a lover.
Because you can never be truly humble until you have a deep sense of being


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