Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chase The Clouds

Originally Posted September 11th, 2007

I just spent the evening with my friend Bethany. We roamed the country side in her blue "pimp" truck chasing clouds and chasing feelings. For months now we had fallen away from each other due to unknown reasons. But for some reason this night we grasped each others hands and ran headlong down a long strip of grass to get one picture of the sunset that was proving to us God was magnificent.

We had chased that sunset for and hour, down back roads and through a town. Till we stumbled upon a factory with a long strip of grass and an open view of the sunset. There we took the pictures we could and happily set off to get some dinner.
There in Panera Bread we sat across from each other digging into our meal with vigor. But when the plates had passed onto the hands of the worker we were stalling for time. I knew that the time was coming as I saw Bethany slowly open her mouth to speak.
But I just sat there and took it, answering the questions and afterwards I felt so wonderful all I could do was joke and laugh. I had known from the moment the day started that this was a "happy day" and I would enjoy it to its fullest. Right down to that last embarrassment.
So I did. I trusted that God would let me have a wonderful day just like I had asked. He was so true to His word all I can do is smile the biggest smile I can and praise His holy name.
This is what chasing clouds is.
We chase after so many things in life and all of them are blocked by the trees. Not until we find the open space, not until we allow God to open out blocked vision can we see the beauty that is splayed before us.
This was what happen tonight, my eyes were open and I saw a beautiful young woman named Bethany before me and the best part was that we were friends.
All I can say to finish this is.
God is a Wonderful God.


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